Thursday, January 29, 2009

Monalisa Smile

Yesterday I saw Monalisa Smile, the movie, for the fifth time. Couldn't resist but put aside the aricle i was reading to see the movie again. Apart from being a good hollywood movie starring extremely talented Julia Roberts it appeals a lot to me personally. Its about a young woman Katherine who gets selected to teach Art History course in an elite and highly traditional college in mid 1950's . The movie is moreover about her bohemian and radical attitude and her efforts to make Art a living breathing discourse than a boring subject. Her interaction with her students goes beyond the classroom discussions and she helps them look at things differently...she makes them react to Art rather than remember facts about it...But she soon becomes an eyesore for the elite society and she is virtually thrown out of the college
Her student Betty who had written against her earlier writes in her last writeup
"...she is going to Europe ..there she will find new walls to break she has been a total wanderer but not all wanderings are aimless...."
Katherine is not successful in the strict sense of the term but she manages to touch various lives in her short sojourn..really makes me wonder what success really means


  1. have heard so much about the film but never ventured to check it out!! should thank you for shedding light on the subject and drawing parallels with dilemmas that stare us in real life , like the true meaning of success...something that we blindly follow but only comprehend the true meaning of over a period of time..i suspect Julia's character reminds you of someone???

  2. good to hear from u manish..yes it reminds me of many unsung heroes and heroines in art reminds me of people who are ahead of their times and are hated for it......and interestingly it motivates me to follow my heart and not feel aimless in life..

  3. that's nice said..i want to watch the movie ..thanks GKK for sharing it...

  4. u r welcome c the movie:)
